About Jeremy

Jeremy helps developers by sharing his own struggles, mostly in technology,
but also with being more social as an introvert, understanding potential for
learning, and playing banjo. He has worked as a corporate developer, as a
Chief Improvement Officer at a startup, and as a contract developer. Currently,
he teaches developers through online courses, workshops, tech articles, and
conference talks. He spends most of his time in C# and has recently ventured
into Go (golang) and Rust (rust-lang) to explore some of his favorite topics:
interfaces, delegates, concurrency, and parallel programming.
To hear a bit more about Jeremy, check out the Developer On Fire podcast:
Episode 12: Jeremy Clark
Jeremy On Stage
NDC Oslo (Oslo, Norway) - Recorded June 2016
NDC London (London, UK) - Recorded January 2016
Silicon Valley Code Camp (San Jose, CA) - Recorded October 2015
Live! 360 (Orlando, FL) - Recorded November 2015
Nebraska.Code() (Lincoln, NE) - Recorded March 2015
I started speaking publicly at the So Cal Code Camp in January 2010. After that
first outing, I was hooked. I have a passion for coding and for teaching; speaking
at developer community events allows me to combine those two. Since that initial
event I have presented over 200 sessions. (For a listing of events and
sessions, you can look at the Demos section.)
My goal is to help developers take a "step up" -- to make intermediate/advanced
topics accessible to all types of developers. Based on the response, my sessions
seem to have struck a chord with the developer community. I get great satisfaction
from hearing from developers who were able to use the information I provided (either
from a presentation or from a walkthrough posted on the website).
I am constantly striving for improvement and stretching myself. I elicit feedback
from attendees and try to incorporate the suggestions into my talks. (I'm not always
successful the first time, but I keep trying.) If you'd like me to come to your
event or user group, just drop me a note:
You can check SpeakerRate
or the Feedback section to see what others have said
about my presentations. If you've attended one of my sessions, please send me your
feedback or suggestions.
If you see me at an event, please be sure to come up and say "Hi". The best part
of the events is talking to developers -- finding out what types of technologies
people are using and what works and what doesn't work. It's a great opportunity
to leverage the accumulated knowledge of our community.
What's this all about?
(Originally posted December 2009)
I'm not a super hero; I'm just a programmer.
Computer programming is about constant learning. I like to think that I'm competent
in my field (currently doing .NET programming). But with the depth and breadth of
the technologies, it's also very easy to feel lost and inadequate. Still, I keep
moving forward and keep learning new things along the way. If I ever get to the
point when I've come to the end of another project and I haven't come across some
new technique or optimization along the way, then it probably means that it's time
to move on to another field.
But I don't see that happening for a while.
I wrote my first program in 1985 on a knock-off Apple ][. I was 14 at the time.
So, that puts me squarely between the old-timers who talk about punch cards and
big iron, and the newcomers who have never had a computer with a floppy drive. Over
the years, I've used various programming tools and languages, including BASIC, C++,
Visual Basic, Java, Delphi and C#. In addition, I've used various web technologies,
such as HTML, JavaScript, PHP, Visual InterDev, ASP, and ASP.NET. I've even dabbled
in assembly (just for the "fun" of it).
My professional programming career began in 2000. I was fortunate enough to have
been given access to good training, knowledgeable colleagues, and the occasional
technical conference. I'm also an avid reader and can usually be found with some
600 page tome in my bag.
So, what's this all about? My goal is to help other programmers take a step up.
Together, we will be looking at various topics ranging from general programming
techniques (such as common design patterns) to specific technologies (such as WCF
and WPF) to application architecture. The focus will be on those elements that have
made me more effective as a programmer. But I will also include mistakes that I've
made along the way. Many times, basic tenets become clear when you look at the way
not to do things.
Be prepared to think. And above all, keep learning.
-Jeremy Clark
Contact Card Pictures
If you're run into me in person, you've probably walked away with one of my contact
cards. Here are the pictures -- all photos that I've taken on my travels.
Interstate 15 in California (between Los Angeles and Las Vegas) taken at night with
an extended exposure.
Along the highway in Ashland, Oregon in winter (be sure to look for the 2 horses).
Binoculars along the ocean at Sea Lion Caves (world's largest sea cave) near Florence,
A junk car found along the side of the road near Ojai, California.
The Salton Sea in California.
My former cat, Simon, walking the trail at the Trees of Mystery in Northern California.
An old windmill near Ojai, California.